Lion Brand Blog, March 7, 2017 We all learn to knit or crochet at different points in our lives. Some are taught as children, while others don’t pick it up until retirement. So, right now, we ask you:
When did you learn to knit or crochet? A follow up to that is, if you know how to do both, which did you learn first, and at what ages did you pick up each craft? To answer my own question, I learned to knit when I was 24. After my grandmother passed away, I was helping clean out her house and found a bag of old knitting needles and some extremely scratchy yarn. I eventually replaced both of those things with my own tools (which included some Lion Brand Wool-Ease® Thick & Quick®). However, finding that bag of stuff is what set me on my knitting path. As for crochet, I tried a few times over the years, but didn’t take it up in earnest until starting my Learn to Crochet series at the beginning of this year. Let us know your answer in the comments! Comments are closed.